Learn how to heal yourself

Stressed, anxious or disconnected?

Take The Stress Release Challenge And Feel Better Within 14 Days

❌ No huge waiting list to get help

❌ No wasting money and time on therapies that either don't work or make things worse

❌ No overwhelm of trying to decide what solution or therapy to choose from

✅ Start NOW for FREE and feel better ASAP

I'm not asking you to listen to me, I'm asking you to give it a go and listen to yourself.

You will feel the difference if you commit just 2 weeks to the process, guaranteed!

The Problem...

Overthinking and stuck in your head

Feeling stressed, anxious & overwhelmed with life

Distract or numb yourself with social media, drink, drugs, porn, shopping or even work

Struggle to sleep, relax or switch off

Struggle to be present to connect with your kids or your partner, lacking intimacy and connection

Feel disconnected, don't feel like yourself or struggle to have fun or enjoy things like you used to

These are all common symptoms when stress, energy and emotions have built up inside your body causing you to disconnect from your body and escape to your head.

The solution to these problems is 1 simple thing...

Learning how to reconnect to your body, feel your feelings and stress and let it go

We end up with the aforementioned problems when we become disconnected from our bodies. You have to feel to heal and you cannot feel when you are in your head or not being present.

Look around you wherever you go, we are so distracted and disconnected you see people everywhere constantly on their phones, sucking their vapes, addicted and stuck in their head that it's rare to see someone actually fully present in the moment, alive and experiencing true joy. Even childrens energy is dead as they become addicted to screens.

Being embodied, feeling your feelings and being able to fully let go and release are natural skills that your body is designed to do but like with any skill, if you don't use it, you lose it.

I created The Somatic Release Method to unlock and rebuild these natural skills in a safe and effective way and now teach this process to therapists, coaches, parents, couples or anyone who wants to increase their somatic skills to improve how they connect with themselves as well as others so they can feel alive again and experience joy, intimacy and love.

Life has to be felt in the body to be truly experienced, not analysed and judged through the mind.

Intimate relationships require attunement to yourself and others, knowing what you feel and need is impossible when you live life in your head.

You can be a great thinker, cognitively intelligent and know everything there is to know about mental health and anxiety but it doesn't mean you are a good feeler or somatically intelligent.

No course, information or degree can build the somatic skills better than actual embodied practice and thats what the Somatic Self Care Membership is all about.

There's nothing wrong with being in stress mode, or thinking and being in your head. In fact, it's essential to survive. The problem is when you get stuck there because you lack the somatic skills to navigate your way out.

The Somatic Release Method focuses on building these 3 skills:

Reconnecting with your body and Recognising what you feel

Getting you out your head, into your body. Building the emotional intelligence and capacity to recognise and be present with your bodily sensations/feelings without overwhelm, suppression or judgement.

Regulating your nervous system, stress, energy and emotions

Learning how to control the intensity of your embodied experience so you don't disconnect or get overwhelmed. Being able to signal safety in the body and come out of survival mode so you can let your guard down and relax

Release the stress, energy and emotions

When you have regulated the intensity and created safety in your body the 3rd part of your bodies natural release process is about giving yourself love and compasion and letting go, allowing the energy to move through your body to be released so you can come back into full authentic connection with yourself and others with an open heart.

We are born with these skills and they are hard wired into us, the problem is we have blocked the natural release process through conditioning from our parents not modelling healthy emotional expression and vulnerability (as we learn through modelling and mirroring) and our peers not wanting to show we are hurt or scared so we learn to suppress and contain how we feel instead of expressing it safely.

These blocks are what stops you from healing. Anything that actually does work will guide your body through its natural release process.

Top down cognitive based therapies such as counselling, CBT, psychotherapy etc can be helpful to understand yourself and your patterns, but often won't help you to process, release and break free from them. Sometimes triggering old wounds and traumas and making it worse as they do not know how to fully guide your body through it's release process.

Even trauma based somatic therapies like EMDR can fall short when they focus on technique and lack the understanding of the underlying framework of your bodies natural release process and how to navigate it safely without overhwelm or where the practitioner lacks the somatic intelligence and experience to effectively hold space for you.

Someone can only hold space for you at the depth they can hold space for themselves.

You do not need a degree to become somatically intelligent and capable of effectively holding space. You just need to put the hours of practicing the above 3 skills through self practice and the co-regulation of others.

Because my method focuses on your bodies own natural release process, its not a matter of IF this works, but WHEN.

Working with me 121 will shorten that time frame considerably as it is much easier to learn a process when someone can guide you through it step by step. It is also a lot easier to remove the blocks to your somatic release process working with someone than trying to do it alone.

With that said though, I encourage everyone to start with this Somatic Self Care membership and even offer a free 14 day trial to see how your body responds.

You may get exactly what you need from it and might not need to go any deeper with 121 work at all, thus saving you money. I believe in using the minimum effective dose and I've had many members be more than happy with the results from the membership alone.

However, if you find blocks to the process, lack the self motivation or simply prefer faster, easier results I will be there to support you with 121 sessions.

In the live online Somatic Self Care sessions, I take my members through simple and gentle somatic exercises where we practice building the somatic skills to reconnect, recognise, regulate and release and how to show up for and heal your inner child.

These are life skills that will not only give you instant relief but will change your life for the better.

Don't just take my word for it...

This is what some of my members had to say after just ONE session!


The Somatic Self Care Membership

I originally created The Somatic Self Care Membership 4+ years ago to overcome a problem that kept coming up for clients that had completed my 121 program.

Although I had helped them to overcome anxiety, even when other therapies have failed, I would occassionally get a message a few months later to say that:

"The anxiety has come back!"

However it had come back because they had made the mistake in believing that their mental health was like a broken bone and once it were fixed their healing journey was over.

Instead it's more like staying in shape after getting ripped from working with a personal trainer. You have to maintain the training and healthy eating or you will fall back into old habits and put all the weight back on again.

Your mental/emotional health is the same.

It's about your relationship with your body and yourself and like any relationship, it requires ongoing maintenance to keep it healthy.

Somatic (meaning body) Self Care

Anxiety and disconnection happens when too much stress energy and emotions build up inside the body because you spend too much time in your head where you cannot release.

This membership provides the structure, support and accountability to give yourself the time and attention you need to reconnect with your body, create safety and release whatever needs to be released so you can reconnect with your heart and the authentic you again that exists underneath all the stress.

The live sessions will help you be accountable as they will be running every single Monday & Thursday 8-9pm. This will help you schedule out time to focus on yourself.

If you're like myself and most of my members, you might find it hard to make time for yourself, often not taking best care of yourself, maybe even putting yourself last.

Just like on airplanes where they tell you to put on your own oxygen mask first, this membership is way for you to take care of yourself so you can show up as the best version of yourself for your partner, family and everyone around you.

Think of working with me 121 like going to the dentist for big dental work that you can't do alone. Whereas the membership is like brushing and flossing your teeth, if you keep it up you will minimise the need to have any major work done in the future.

Even if you go to the dentist (have 121 sessions with me), if you don't brush or floss your teeth consistently (do things like this membership) your teeth will fall out and you'll need major work done pretty soon.

Same as if you don't have a consistent regular somatic practice that focuses on reconnecting and releasing, your mental and emotional health will eventually suffer and you will continue to experience anxiety, overwhelm, disconnection, relationship issues or behaviours to numb and distract yourself.

Brushing your teeth and flossing doesn't require any knowledge, it just requires you to consistently practice. Your mental health is the same, you don't need another book or course or any more info, you just need simple, practical solutions and consistent practice.

Which is exactly what this membership provides. I've taken all the guesswork, confusion and overwhelm out and provided a simple, structure that is easy to follow that will guarantee your success if you show up for yourself and commit to the process.

Whats included in

The Membership:

8x Live Co-Regulation Sessions a month

The magic in the live sessions is more than the somatic techniques, it's the co-regulation from my body to yours.

By taking myself through the exercises and creating safety in my own body, my body speaks to your body and your body learns through mirroring and following my bodies lead.

The deeper I connect to myself and the more I release, the more it gives your body permission to mirror and do the same.

This is how you learn the somatic skills of regulating and releasing. We heal in connection.

The live sessions are every Monday & Thursday 8-9pm GMT London, UK

They are recorded for replay if you cannot make it live.

All you have to do is follow along and trust your body.

No one can see anything except my video so it is completely private.

24/7 Co-Regulation Support

When anxiety strikes, you need help there and then. Even if you were to book a 121 with me by the time the session comes round, you might be okay.

So I have created an interactive video app that can guide you out of anxiety and offer you co-regulation 24/7 so you never feel alone or confused about what to do in moments of anxiety so you can get back to living your life ASAP.

It's like having a mini me in your pocket, always there for you.

Resource Library of THE Best Somatic Anxiety Relief Techniques

There are many exercises out there and I've tried and tested them all.

You will get instant access to the ultimate resource library of the very best somatic techniques and tools to overcome anxiety.

Access to all of my courses & workshops

I have many courses I have created and workshops I've ran and you will get instant access to all of them & any future courses.
(Except for The Somatic Release Therapy Mentorship which qualifies you to use my method to work with others.)

All on a handy app

All of my courses, resources and support is available on a handy app away from the distractions and noise of social media.

Shane Haron

The Anxiety Specialist

Creator of

The Somatic Release Method

I am excited to share this space with you as EVERYONE experiences stress and we could all do with healthier ways to release stress and stay connected to our bodies and hearts instead of numbing, distracting or disconnecting.

I owe a lot of my own healing journey to these sessions as I have only missed a handful in almost 4 years but if it wasn't for these sessions, I guarantee my own self care would have fallen by the way side.

I'm still human and my body works like everyone elses, my knowledge and ability are useless if I don't actually put in the time and somatic practice to stay on top of things.

This is even more important for you if you are a coach, therapist, mum, dad, husband, wife, breadwinner or anyone that bears the responsbility for others

You can't give others your best if you aren't taking care of yourself.

Those who don't value themselves don't invest in themselves

You will never get a bigger return on your investment than investing in yourself.

Did I mention you also get instant access to all of these Courses...

Core Principles of Anxiety Recovery

What's inside:

  • What Anxiety is a SYMPTOM of
  • What's secretly fuelling anxiety
  • What's keeping you stuck in survival mode
  • The root cause of anxiety
  • Why other methods fail and can even make it worse
  • What your anxious thoughts really mean
  • Discover your bodies own natural healing process

The Panic Attack Stopper Course

What's inside:

  • What is a panic attack
  • The goal when experiencing a panic attack
  • Why you are experiencing panic attacks
  • How to overcome panic attacks for good
  • The Panic Attack Stopper Technique

How To Heal Anxiety Course

What's inside:

  • What long term anxiety recovery looks like
  • The Somatic Release Method
  • The subconscious patterns blocking your natural release process
  • My 3 Step Guaranteed Anxiety Recovery Process


Take the Stress Release

14 Day Challenge

  • Get Instant Access

Get instant access to my courses and resources that you can use so you can start feeling better TODAY.
Not in weeks, months or years.

  • Join the live co-regulation sessions or watch the replays

Simply follow along and I guarantee you will feel better by the end of the session.

  • See how much stress you can release in 14 days and I will guarantee you will notice a difference

If you show up for yourself and take action, I gurantee you will feel better fast. I will provide all the tools, resources and guidance. All you have to do is show up and put it into practice.

You have everything to gain and nothing to lose

Every single person who has gone through the 14 day trial and committed to the process has noticed huge improveements.

You get out what you put in. If you show up to the 4 live sessions and practice some of the somatic self care exercises for just 10-20 minutes a day you will be amazed and how different you will feel in the next 14 days.

Take advantage of this offer while you can.

In the unlikely event you aren't 100% satisfied simply click cancel and you won't be charged a penny.

Frequently asked Questions

Will I really notice a difference in 14 days?

Absolutely. Most notice a difference after a single session. You will definitely feel better within 14 days if you show up for yourself and commit to the process.

Does this mean you will overcome anxiety in 14 days? No but within 1-2 months of Membership, most will experience a huge reduction in symptoms.

Do I have to turn up to the sessions live?

No, while it would be ideal to turn up live as there is something powerful with doing it live, I have many long term members who play the sessions back in their own time and they notice a huge benefit too.

Are the live sessions like group therapy?

No, the live sessions are in a webinar format so no one can see you or even know you are there other than me saying hello to those joining live. If you would like to stay anonymous, simply rename your zoom name to an initial or an alias.

The only screen anyone can see is mine. The focus isn't on sharing, its on practical somatic techniques that work and practicing reconnecting, regulating and releasing while focusing on yourself. Somatic Self Care

Does this replace 121 work with you?

No, nothing can replace 121 therapy where I can give you 100% of my attention and co-regulation. However, it is a great starting point as it builds on all of the skills needed for the 121 work.

I've had many members not need any 121 work and have found great relief in just the Somatic Self Care Membership, however if you do decide to do the 121 work with me, your experience being in the membership will make the 121 process even easier, as you will already be familiar with both my method and myself.

How easy is it to cancel?

Simply one click or send 1 message. No questions asked. Can cancel at any time.

What makes this different?

We use my Somatic Release Method which cannot be found anywhere else unless you are a 121 client or student.

You receive co-regulation from and have my body to model for your body to mirror and follow. The best way to learn.

Accountability in the 8 live sessions a month.

24/7 Access to my co-regulation app thats like having me in your pocket ready to guide you through the process at any time.

I could go into all the neuroscience and biology of why this works but it's a lot easier for you to simply experience it for yourself.

I'm not asking you to listen to me, I'm asking you to try it out and listen to yourself.

The little boy/girl inside you needs your help.

I can show you how to heal your inner child if you are willing to take action for just 14 days, I 100% guarantee you will feel the difference.
